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Launched by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) with the support of several experts, the Alliance for I4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Africa (AISMA) is a cooperative network of experts in the field of Industry 4.0, working together as a think tank and hub for connecting stakeholders, generating innovative ideas and initiatives, and implementing them with the aim of unlocking the potential of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in Africa.
Objective: AISMA aims at unlocking the potential of smart manufacturing in Africa by raising awareness on Industry 4.0, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders within the Industry 4.0 ecosystem and facilitating the adoption of frontier technologies in manufacturing companies across the continent.
Expected impact: AISMA ultimately aims to promote Africa’s integration, generate inclusive and sustainable development, stimulate job creation, empower people and break the digital divide, in accordance with the UN Secretary-General’s call to establish a Global Digital Compact that upholds shared principles for an open, free, and secure digital future for all.
Through this pioneering initiative, UNIDO is committed to further developing cooperation and strong partnerships at regional and global levels for pursuing the digitalization agenda of the African Union in the AfCFTA context, and more generally promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the continent.
The values AISMA members/partners have in common and guide all joint actions are:
AISMA is driven by the objective of promoting Africa’s global competitiveness, job creation and sustainability by harnessing the power of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. The Alliance actively seeks to reduce the digital divide and promote equal opportunities. From enhancing productivity and leveraging digitalization technologies to addressing pressing issues such as skills gap, scientific research, or policy/legal frameworks, AISMA’s focus goes beyond technology to embrace a vision where whole Industry 4.0 ecosystems thrive for the benefit of African countries.
AISMA’s activities are guided by the digitalization agenda of the African Union, and more particularly the AU “Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)”, which aims to harness digital technologies and innovation to transform African societies and economies. The Alliance also seeks to align with regional and national industrial strategies/plans.
AISMA firmly believes that multi-stakeholder partnerships are not just beneficial; they are imperative for thriving in the rapidly evolving I4.0 ecosystem. By pooling together diverse strengths, expertise and resources, African manufacturing companies can accelerate progress, innovate faster, and participate more actively in the 4IR revolution. The Alliance aims to expand progressively to include relevant stakeholders from the African continent, taking into consideration the different progress stages, needs and priorities at the continental, regional and national levels.
By promoting human-centric, sustainable and resilient production across the African continent, AISMA aims to accelerate the implementation of SDG 9 that seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
AISMA follows a clear action plan based on six strategic pillars and focuses on a number of priority countries and sectors where impacts are likely to be stronger. In order to ensure efficiency and generate quick wins that could create opportunities for the long term, the Alliance focuses on innovative and practical approaches, initiatives and activities, and implement them together with relevant stakeholders.
The scientific research produced by academics is often inaccessible to the private sector and does not always reach professionals working in manufacturing companies. This is why AISMA not only supports scientific research and innovation related to Industry 4.0, but also strive to make research and concrete applications widely available to African companies.
The term Industry 4.0 was first used in Germany at the 2011 Hannover International Fair. It refers to the intelligent networking of machines and processes for industry with the help of information and communication technology. Throughout this, fundamental shifts are taking place in how the global production and supply network operates through ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology. This integration results in increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring.
The potential of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in the African continent is critical for advancing inclusive and sustainable industrial development and paving the path for greater integration and increased opportunities for the growing youthful population. Such progress can only be achieved through adopting new and smart production models built on emerging frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, big data, 3D printing or blockchain, to name a few.
However, benefiting from Industry 4.0 requires overcoming a myriad of obstacles. For African economies, some of the biggest challenges include connectivity and accessibility constraints, lack of digital/physical infrastructure, limited digital skills as well as inadequate policies, models and support systems for manufacturing companies eager to harness frontier technologies. Hence, without efforts to coordinate, develop and improve the Industry 4.0 ecosystem, African manufacturing companies risk falling further behind, exacerbating the global “digital divide” and lowering Africa’s global competitiveness.
In this context, the adoption of the “Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)” by the African Union, which aims to harness digital technologies and innovation to transform African societies and economies, represents a critical milestone and stresses the strong commitment of African countries to strengthen their capabilities in this field.
The Alliance for I4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Africa (AISMA) was established by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and several experts to support the continent in embracing Industry 4.0, a journey into the digital revolution that requires a strategic mindset, a commitment to innovation, and a culture of continuous learning.