Rafik Feki is an experienced professional with a demonstrated history of working in international development fields such as Industry 4.0, digital transformation, SME modernization, quality infrastructure and business environment. He is currently acting as Industrial Development Officer within the Division of Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence Strategies at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). In addition to implementing a number of technical assistance projects aiming at unlocking the potential of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in several countries, including in Tunisia, Morocco or Côte d’Ivoire, he also initiated the AISMA Alliance with a group of I4.0 experts.

1. In light of technological change and the increasing digital divide, how does UNIDO ensure that Member States become active participants in the fourth industrial revolution?

Industry 4.0 offers tremendous opportunities ranging from upgrading of industrial enterprises, saving costs and enhancing productivity, to accelerating the deployment of renewable energy in manufacturing or promoting more resilient and sustainable production processes, just to give a few examples. But the fourth industrial revolution also brings numerous challenges, in particular for developing countries: limited access to know-how, skills, education, technology, infrastructure or funding often hinder the transition towards digital manufacturing. In that context, UNIDO helps Member States unlock the new opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 to drive positive change, while considering specific challenges faced by each country or region. UNIDO provides tailor-made solutions and services for achieving human-centric, socially-inclusive and sustainable digital transformation of industries; focusing primarily on I4.0 readiness assessments, policies & roadmaps, digital transformation at the firm level, skills and capacity-building, technologies, innovation ecosystems, investment & infrastructure, governance, and partnerships. These elements can address essential outcomes, without which I4.0 cannot permeate beyond isolated technological islands, high-income countries or highly digitalized sectors.

2. How does AISMA support the African continent in its journey towards Industry 4.0 transition?

Bridging the digital divide that is reflected in digitalization/AI and the use of frontier technologies for productive transformation is a key development challenge, in particular for Africa. To address this issue, the Alliance for I4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in Africa (AISMA) was established by UNIDO and several experts in late 2023 to support the continent in embracing Industry 4.0, a journey into the digital revolution that requires a strategic mindset, a commitment to innovation, and a culture of continuous learning. In short, AISMA is a cooperative network of experts in the field of Industry 4.0, working together as a think tank and hub for connecting stakeholders, generating innovative ideas and initiatives, and implementing them with the aim of unlocking the potential of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in Africa. The Alliance is fully aligned with the objectives of the “Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)” of the African Union, which aims to harness digital technologies and innovation to transform African societies and economies.

3. What are AISMA´s main areas of intervention?

The network of experts focuses on exchanging knowledge and expertise, sharing best practices, and forging strategic partnerships on Industry 4.0-related themes across six pillars: industry applications, digital technologies, education & training (skills), scientific research & innovation, standardization, legal & ethical factors as well as policies & strategies. Since its launch, AISMA has significantly advanced its visibility and influence on the global stage, actively engaging in relevant international forums, participating in conferences, and expanding its outreach network through exhibitions and presentations. In the future, AISMA plans to expand its operations along its mandate into technical cooperation activities in pilot countries and through regional programmes, including conducting comprehensive assessments to evaluate the technological landscape and infrastructure capabilities, developing tools and platforms to ensure that regions and countries are well prepared for digital transformation, and piloting initiatives and actions on the ground.